Burning at The New Group

Jeff performed in The New Group’s world-premiere production of Thomas Bradshaw’s play, BURNING, directed by Scott Elliot. (10/26/11-12/17/11)

 “It doesn”™t seem right to call the zone that”™s occupied by Thomas Bradshaw”™s “Burning” a gray area. This repellent and magnetic play, which opened on Monday night at the Acorn Theater in a New Group production, is way too lurid to be gray. But perhaps more than any American dramatist working today, Mr. Bradshaw walks “” no, make that tramples “” the lines that divide the good, the bad and the plug-ugly, both in art and in life. He aspires to amuse, shock, disgust, enlighten, bore and titillate you all at the same time… “Burning” challenges people to sort through their reactions in ways theater seldom does these days.”
– Ben Brantley, The New York Times


“Jeff Biehl does such good work in the role of a gallery curator, it’s a dirty shame he was passed over for a sex scene.”
– Marilyn Stasio, Variety



Jeff Biehl
Reyna DeCourcy
Barrett Doss
Hunter Foster
Andrew Garman
Drew Hildebrand
Evan Johnson
Danny Mastrogiorgio
Andrew Polk
Larisa Polonsky
Adam Trese
Vladimir Versailles
Stephen Tyrone Williams

set design by Derek McLane,
lighting design by Peter Kaczorowski,
costume design by Clint Ramos,
sound design by Bart Fasbender
and video design by Wendall Harrington